Leupold Wind-Plex?


Well-known member
Mar 1, 2010
n. idaho

I have a 3.5-10 I need to send in for a M1 elevation turret and I'm considering having them install the 'new' wind-plex reticle. This would be going on a 223 going after colony varmints.

Anybody have one? Is it worth the $(they're closed so I don't know how much today)?


Well-known member
Mar 1, 2010
n. idaho
I called them today. They have the reticle available and it's $90. For the cost of a new reticle and an M1 maybe i should just get a super sniper...


Well-known member
Aug 24, 2010
SW Washington
I have a similar "accu plex" reticle in a Redfield. I like it a lot. Dial elevation, hold for wind with marks. Not all cluttered up with grids and such.

I'll have to send my VX-3 in for a reticle and get the windage M1 removed.

Big Stick

Well-known member
Nov 18, 2007
Tough to get giddy about SFP tick marks,on something with barely 60MOA total to start with.

For the application cited,it'd be a 10x MQ Show..............

Big Stick

Well-known member
Nov 18, 2007
10x MQ has 18MOA of windage per side and 36MOA of elevation...with another 145 MOA on the erector.

That's (3) 3.5-10x's worth of "up".



Well-known member
Dec 4, 2013
Dude at work has been asking about scopes, mostly VX-6 as he's getting a big discount. His lady-friend at Leupo is a designer and created the Wind-plex.

Pass the MQ :grin:


Well-known member
Dec 4, 2013
Several years ago, an "in" at Leupo was good-as-gold for discounts and favors around here. Anymore, nobody seems to care. The tide has turned, even in Leupo's home turf. Many of us would love to buy local-ish, but they are focused on a different customer.

I gave the dude canned questions, that got sent to the technical experts at Leupo, and the replies got relayed back to me. Based on the answers, I know the questions aren't reaching the correct ears... or worse :grin: They won't talk real design or construction. They did leak the zero retention spec, which isn't something that I'd brag about for any scope let alone one that sells for $1k+.

We're fixin' to get a good tour of the place. I've never been past the lobby, but have returned more than a few Leupos for upgrades and repairs that I'm sick of the place. There's one person there that I go to directly if I need something fixed. He's been a great resource and I've gotten more than fair treatment from him and his boss. They tend to treat the locals a bit better :grin: I did buy a rifle from the boss, so that might have helped.

I knew one of the mechanical designers but lost touch with him. We talked scope designs at length when he first got the job. But later he told me that the old man still runs the show at Leupo and they, "don't give a fuck" what .mil or hard-use customers want. He had prototypes for us, but he wasn't as excited to work there as he thought he would be.

Hey, I saw that the last CEO of Leupo has moved-on in the world and works for a candle company now! The new CEO worked in the skating and running shoe business, but at least he's an avid hunter.


Well-known member
Feb 11, 2010
I can't bitch, paid $130 for a 28 year old VXII 3X9 for my blackpowder rifle and they made the fucker new.


Well-known member
Dec 4, 2013
Dang right. Buds have taken their old roman scopes, and gotten them rebuilt or turned into arabic/hindu which are easy to sell.

I bitched about a design flaw and waited a long time for a response as the team leads were on safari. The lead design engineer for that scope came back and admitted to the design screw up. They apologized for making me wait and upgraded to the next level, seeing as they wanted locals to be happy.

I hate to bad mouth them too much, but I took a couple scopes back multiple times for the same issue. The lenses were smeared to the point a blind man could see it.

Dude has samples in-hand, so I'm looking forward to diddling them.


Well-known member
Jun 4, 2008
East Kootenays, BC
Leupold hasn't been Leupold since Jack Slack left. The scopes breaking today, that didn't used to happen. It used to be rugged, today it's profit margin.

These aren't close to the same reliable scopes we grew up shooting.


Well-known member
Jun 4, 2008
East Kootenays, BC
I still buy Leupold variables, mostly the 3.5-10s. But if they're not 10 years old I pass.

Word on the street is that when Leupold came out with the Rifleman series in about 2006, they sourced the erector assemblies, cheaply, from the Pacific rim. It did such good things for their profit margin they did the same thing for the other lines. No coincidence that since then they don't track?


Well-known member
Oct 21, 2009
Jefferson State
I've done some crazy stuff with the MK4. I like that scope a bunch.

I haven't had all the bad luck with Leupold that others have. Any time I have sent something back in they've been golden.